Myopia-Causes and prevention

Apr 21, 2009

Myopia is an eye condition wherein when light entering the eye focuses in front of the retina instead of directly on it. Myopics can see things clearly when in close contact while having trouble focusing on distant objects as they appear blurred.

Symptoms of Myopia

Myopia is experienced when a person can normally see things that are closer to them while having difficulty in seeing things from afar. They often have headaches or eyestrain, and have the tendency to squint their eyes in order to clear their vision. Fatigue is apparent when being active at locomotor skills.

Causes of Myopia

Nearsightedness occurs if the light entering your eye is not focused correctly due to elongated eyeballs or too much curvature in the cornea.

Stress caused by too much close vision work is considered to be the root cause of myopia. Eyes are strained when reading in dim light or inside a moving vehicle and watching television with the lights off.

Home Remedies / Treatment for Myopia

Vitamin A:
Take 25,000 vitamin A supplements daily. The best sources of this vitamin are butter, soya beans, fresh milk, milk cream, cheese, oranges, tomatoes, raw spinach, green peas, dates, lettuce, and turnip.

Mix 30 gm of Triphala in ½ liter of water. Drink it or use it to wash the eyes twice a day. Continue to a few months to achieve desirable results.

Mix ½ teaspoon of licorice root power, equal parts of honey, and half parts of ghee. Drink with milk on an empty stomach daily.

Mix 200ml of carot juice, 150 ml of celery juice, 75 ml of endives juice, and 75 ml of parsley juice to make ½ liter of this juices. Combine with ½ liter of chicory juice. Take it everyday for a few months until vision improved.

Diet Suggestions for Myopia

Eat fresh fruits and vegetables These foods include fresh fruits such as:

Turnip tops
Cereals, dairy products, dried fruits, nuts and whole wheat bread are also recommended.

Cakes, jams, pastries, white sugar, white bread, confectionery, drinks such as coffee and tea, meat, fish, and eggs should be avoided for they are hard for digestion.

Other Treatments Suggestion for Myopia

Try this relaxing eye exercise. Sit on a bench and face the sun while closing your eyes. Shake your head several times for ten minutes. Then open your eyes, blink about ten times while looking at the sun. Look at some natural objects such as landscapes to help ease your eyestrain.

Wash tired eyes with clean, cool water. Dry it with a cool towel. This will enhance blood circulation in the eye area and will make you see things clearly.

Try a swinging exercise by standing with both of your feet twelve inches apart, hands held loosely at your sides. Relax your mind and body. Shake your body from side to side gently, slowly, and steadily, with the heels rising alternately but not the rest of the foot, just like a swinging pendulum. Do this exercise in front of a window or a picture, so that the window or picture appears to be moving in the opposite direction of the swing. Blink once when facing one end of the window or object.