To Prevent Hairfall

Mar 18, 2009

Hair loss is caused by many reasons such as malnutrition, illness, tension and other health problems.It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of a cycle of growing new hairs and loosing some.However,some people may experience excessive hair loss which might cause baldness.Hair loss of this type can affect men, women and children. Other reasons for hair loss in men and women are; stress, infection, surgery, high fever,diets,over brushing,syphilis,and tumors.Severe hair problems may cause anguish. An increase in the numbers of hairs lost daily about 200 hairs a day will be noticeable to the person who may become desperately anxious that he or she is going to become bald.
Perming, straightening, hair dyeing and bleaching ,hot combing, using heated rollers and hot wax inevitably damage the hair.Badly damaged hair breaks at the scalp.Once split ends have appeared, it is a good idea to trim off the straggly ends to give a healthy appearance to the hair.

Here a few simple home remedies which can be tried at home to control hair fall.

1. The best treatment is to take a course of vitamins known to be effective in promoting hair growth.

2. A medicine rich in sulfur is also recommended as sulfur plays an important part in the structure of the hair.

3. Rub oil into the scalp.Wring out a towel in hot water and wrap it on the head.Keep it on for 15 minutes. Shampoo and dry well.

4. To treat hair loss apply a little lemon juice with some black tea.Massage well and shampoo.

5. Beat two eggs,and add two tablespoons of water to it. Rinse hair and pour the egg mixture over the hair.Massage the scalp well and leave for 10 minutes.Then wash it.

6. Washing hair with a weak solution of salt cleans the scalp, cures dandruff and prevents hair loss.

7. Use vinegar rinse to soften hair.It acts as a good conditioner.

8. Boil three handfuls of celery leaves.Remove the leaves,and add the juice of a lemon to it. Apply and then rinse after some time.

9. Massage with olive oil before going to bed at night and next morning, wash off the hair gently.

10. Never brush the hair when it is wet.

11. Massage aloe Vera gel over the scalp,leave it for about one hour.After this rinse the hair with warm water.It gives excellent results for hair loss if one uses this massage at least 3-4 times a week.

12. Since iron-deficiency anemia can also cause hair loss,make sure that you eat a well-balanced diet that includes a daily serving or two of iron-rich foods.Some good sources of iron include lean red meat,dried fruits,soybeans,tofu and broccoli.

13. About 50 to 100 milligrams a day of vitamin B6 also helps decrease hair fall.

14. Rinse your hair with a mix of apple cider vinegar and sage tea this helps hair

15. One of the best home remedies for treating hair loss is to massage your scalp with fingers gently.It will also aid in increasing blood circulation and lend glow to your hair.

16.Drink 10-12 glasses of water daily and have a high protein diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and dairy products.

17.Lettuce is useful in preventing hair loss.A mixture of lettuce and spinach juice is believed to help the growth of hair if taken daily.

18. The paste of liquorice,made by grinding the pieces in milk,is another valuable remedy for patchy baldness.This paste should be applied over the bald patches at night before going to bed.

19. Reducing stress is a major cause of hair loss along with other issues.

20. DHT is a hormone that's produced in the body by an enzyme and causes hair loss. A great way to fight this off is to drink four cups of green tea daily.

21. For hair loss, try this - boil 1 cup of mustards’ oil with 4 tbsp of Henna leaves. Filter the solution and keep it in bottle. Massage onto the scalp on regular basis.

22. One should not wash the hair with too hot water since it makes hair to fall. Take care that you should not wash the hair more than twice a week. If you use any hair-shampoo, go for herbal and use milder shampoo. One should not comb the hair backwards and should use good quality combs or brushes. One should avoid excessive combing.

23. Coconut milk or Aloe gel can be massaged and kept for ½ hour, and then washed with lukewarm water. Repeat thrice a week to arrest hair fall.

24. One of the oldest hair loss home remedies is massaging the scalp and hair with natural honey and egg yolk. Keep this for about 30 minutes before rinsing.

25. Simply massaging almond oil onto the scalp twice or thrice a week stops further hair loss. 

26. Take few petals of hibiscus flower preferably white , add them to coconut oil. warm the coconut oil to a boil store after it is being cooled, or keep in sunlight for 7 days in a glass bottle. strain and use for the hair and scalp, regularly.

Ultra fast Biceps

Mar 14, 2009

If you really want to get your muscles ultra fast....Try these.
The trick to getting your biceps to take on more muscle mass is in the numbers. It is the number of reps you do plus the amount of weight you lift. The fewer reps the better and the more weight you lift will do the job....

Three sets of 8 reps per exercise will give the optimum results you seek. Do a series that helps your biceps such as arm curls. You can alternate arms with this exercise. You can also do one arm and then switch to the other one. The results are amazing.

The second trick you must have knowledge of is to monitor the number of times you work on a particular muscle group in a week. If you do too much on one area you will actually not see results. This is more important than any exercise is.

The third trick for you to look the "Hulk" is to eat properly with plenty of carbs, protein and the right type of fats. For a shirt busting physique, the right combination of all of these foods will increase those arms rapidly. 
Muscles will not be able to grow big and strong if they are being starved, so pack on the food in mini meals throughout the day. It keeps your metabolism where it should be so you can produce those tree trunks.

The fourth trick you want to be aware of is to work other muscles in conjunction with your biceps. You want to take the time to work your pecs and your quads. These muscles tell your body it's time to grow and expand.

The use of all these tricks that bodybuilders already know will have you looking like one in no time. So you need to eat properly and exercise different muscle groups with the right number of reps, and you can have huge biceps fast.

An absolute must know for you- But there are secrets about body building you don't know yet. So...don't sit back and relax. Get on the edge of your seat because you are about to be introduced to the dirty little secrets of body building you were never told. These secrets are so effective that they would get you the body you desire within a matter of a few months without any hard supplements or steroids. This is only known to a few and you are one of the lucky one's who is being introduced to this shocking secret

To increase Biceps

Hi! I've found some useful tips and ways to increase your Biceps.
If you're wanting to know how to build bicep muscle fast, then this article will give you some simple to use tips that you can start putting into action today.

Most all of us want to get bigger arm muscles, but it seems that for many people, no matter how many exercises they do, their arms stay about the same size. Why? Well, it's generally from training the wrong way. Here's why.

The way to build arm muscles in any muscle work outs is to add enough weight until it interferes with your form. Don't worry if you don't understand, I'll explain more on that in a moment. The way to build big powerful biceps is by lifting more weight. You can't expect to do three sets of curls with a light amount of weight and see any growth. You'll need to push yourself with heavier weights to get the results you're looking for.

When setting up a bicep workout routine you'll want to incorporate 3 sets of 6-8 reps each. I use 8 reps myself, but 6 will also work. You want to use enough weight so that your form is still good on the last set. If you're using too much weight and your form gets sloppy from overdoing it, your results will suffer as well.

Another thing to keep in mind with any muscle work outs is to not overwork the muscles. This includes your biceps. You only need to work out twice a week. I've seen guys work their arms 4 days a week and it's overdoing it. When you overtrain, you're not allowing your muscles the time they need to rest and build back. This is true for all muscle groups. Contrary to what you might think, working your biceps too many times a week will actually take away your results.

The next question most often asked is what type of arm muscle building exercises work the best? Here are 3 basic bicep exercises that are known to produce muscle gains:

Alternate Dumbbell Curl - If you want to know how to build bicep muscle fast, this is the exercise for you. As your doing this routine, be sure to let your body sway a little bit in order to build up some momentum. This allows you to use more heavier weights and increase your results.

Barbell Curl - This is also a good exercise to get more muscle growth. Concentrate on using more of your arms than letting your body do the work.

Inclined Dumbbell Curl - By using an inclined bench for dumbbell curls you are able to focus in on the biceps specifically during this exercise.

If you're wanting to know how to build bicep muscle fast, put these bicep tips into your weight training routine and you should start seeing results in a quick amount of time.